Tuesday, April 21, 2009


i want to pull the reems from your head
to read 
the thoughts i can't have
i want to pull 
and wade through you 
until i find me.
i always want this from you.
i'm with you, i just
want to know doyouloveme?
and to think that when i'm old and grey
i'll look back
on you and i
and remember how i wish you were mine.
i've just got this sad, sinking feeling 
the lowers 
from my head to my soul:
that when i am 
old and grey,
you'll be far 
from me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

going south on 95

black speckled rock stretching out
and over Appalachia
straight down to Florida.
drive overnight so your contacts
stick to your eyes
all blinded by the eastern sunrise.